Atlanta Food Grade Warehousing: What You Need To Know
Food grade warehousing is a vital link between the producer, the supplier and the retailer. In Atlanta, as in any U.S. city, there are rigorous standards that must be adhered to when storing food. Here is what you need to know.
Storage. A food grade warehouse may be any size and may store food for short or long periods of time.
- Goals. Like any other business, the aim of the food storage warehouse is to make a profit for its owner and provide job opportunities.
- Service. A food warehouse serves its customers by enabling access to food year round, even when certain products are out of season.
- Warehousing. The most common types of food grade warehouses are:
- Cold storage
- Frozen storage
- Dry storage
- Safety. Adherence to strict safety standards it essential to protect the health and safety of consumers and to prevent food-borne illnesses.
- Exterior. The exterior of the food warehouse should be clean and free from garbage. There should be no standing water weeds, or evidence of rodents, such as droppings, burrows and tracks. The exterior of the building itself should also be in good shape, without cracks, broken windows or leaking roofs.
- Interior. The inside should be cleaned regularly and well maintained. Doors and windows should close tightly.
- Equipment. Typical equipment such as shelving, bins, fork lifts and chillers should be clean and in working order. There should be no trace of rust. Temperature and humidity gauges should be present.
- Food. All food should be stored on a first in-first out basis.
Bonded Service has been providing public warehousing, contract warehousing, order fulfillment, transportation and inventory management services for more than half a century. Contact us today to find out how we can help your shipment reach its destination.